
目前显示的是 十月, 2006的博文

Some Radios Online

Some Radios Online words, words, words... ...until crazy Those days I like Mosert and Classica Country more and more, which relaxed my thought, mind & body. I find media Player 11 is the best player to get endless hours of non'stop commercial free music and radio, include CNN, but if you didn't signup, you couldn't enjoy it, you must be paid $26.95 one year! Little money, Big enjoy, sound llike a wonderful plan,but I couldn't keep online all day, what a pity! So I search some free online radio as follow: ABC RADIO ABC Radio Network was founded in 1943, includes ABC Radio Network, Inc., its syndicated radio programming network, and 73 owned and operated stations located in leading markets throughout the United States. ABC's radio business is part of ABC, Inc., a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company.which has approximately 4,600 affiliate stations reaching about 109 million listeners age 12 and over each week, and the headquartered in Dallas and New York.Today, A...


北京的秋天到了,清晨的街上零星的金黄飘落,美极了,再过些天就是满地落叶了,躺在金灿灿柔柔软软的树叶上,就能看到一整片的蓝天和白云啦,在没有知了,小虫吵闹的下午,晒晒太阳,做一个白日梦,再一起来,天哪,5点了! msn space称我中午睡了一觉的功夫变大字了,真难看,再小一号就秀气了:( 怀念你掌心的温度 欣回去了,日子又恢复了平淡。 很久没有这样的感觉,与要好的朋友吃住睡在一起,好像又回到了学生时代,亲密无间的享受,肆无忌惮的青春。大学生活是多么妩媚的舞蹈啊,所有的姿势都不需要理由,生命就该只有甜蜜,即使伤心哭泣也是在歇场时分,幕后偷偷落泪。而我的学生时代就这么一去不复返了... ... 翻开大学的照片,日记 神圣的光呵 请你照耀我内心 完成一生中前无古人的创举 主要是你,圣明呵 你似乎更喜爱 一切神殿前那正直纯洁的心灵 请教诲 因为你洞若观火 大一时写下的日记,现在看来真是莫大的讽刺,正直纯洁的心灵在这个污浊的社会被视为冒傻气,我想我把心留在从前了,但生活还是要继续,如果我从小就没训练的没有良心,黑白颠倒,是非不分,现在也不会经历这种痛苦的蜕变,心钝了,麻木了,死了,为了生活。