There was a story about the Greek Gods: Harry:They were bored, so they invented human beings. But they were still bored; so they invented love. Then they weren't bored any longer. So, they decided to try love for themselves. And finally, they invented laughter, so that they could stand it. (有一个关于希腊众神的传说,他们很寂寞,所以他们创造了人类,但是他们还是很寂寞,所以又创造了爱情。于是他们不再感到寂寞,因此他们决定自己去尝试爱情,最后他们创造了欢笑,因此他们可以生存下去。) 看完《爱情盛宴》,上豆瓣给评价,没想到给五星的只有106人,四星365人。而《李米的猜想》有2362人给了五星,4934人给了四星,这大大出乎我所料。个人感觉盛宴比李米有深度的多,Morgan Freeman在其中作为一个阅尽沧桑的智者,能给我们带来些启示,这不仅仅和爱情有关。 李米和Chole 同样是为了爱倾尽一生,勇敢爱,奋力爱; 同样是沾上点毒品,一个是贩毒,一个是吸毒后戒毒而死于心脏病; 同样是爱到最后留女孩一人在世上,一个留下的是钱,一个留下的还未出生的孩子。 先说Chole和Oscar。在他们一见钟情时,Chole就说过:“i think i scare guys off cause i'm so intense.” 但Oscar还是和她相恋了,他们在咖啡馆调情,在家里憧憬未来,在体育场做爱。然而快乐的时光总是短暂的,Chole很快就遭到Oscar暴躁酒鬼父亲的血刃威胁,他们的生活也越来越窘迫,甚至连一间有客厅的房子都租不起,在Chole万分绝望时,找到了巫师算卦,预言的结果竟然是Oscar即将不久于人世。she didn't run away, didn't crawl into a hotel, she found them a house. She threw away her birth control, and she married. 也许是她太爱O...