Daily Abstract090420

最近英国《卫报》刊登了 蒂摩西·盖特·阿什《媒体是理解的桥梁》一文 ,面对国内媒体日渐减少的国际新闻 ,呼吁客观、公正、真实的国际新闻报道,而不是千篇一律的外交辞令,甚至歪曲事实的报道,阿什是著名历史学家,政治学家,作家,牛津大学教授。 原文如下: We are getting less foreign news at the very moment we need more A world in crisis demands nations understand each other. At least the BBC is hoisting the banner of Deng Xiaoping thought 处在危机中的世界需要国与国之间的相互了解。客观、真实、全面的媒体报道对此至关重要。在这一点上,应遵循邓小平所推崇的“实事求是”。 Comments (83) Timothy Garton Ash The Guardian , Thursday 16 April 2009 One complaint I heard during a recent stay in China is that western media give a distorted picture of what's happening there. I think there's some truth in this, but it's not for the reasons that Chinese Communist party members or nationalist netizens imagine. In fact, this is just one instance of a larger international problem. Most western newspaper readers and television viewers with a mild interest in China probably do see a lot of stories about Tibet, the upcoming anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen protests, corruption and popula...