Daily Abstract 081225
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From Alistair to zero interest rates: the business year in review
Credit crunch became common parlance, the banking system was brought to the brink, and what began as an American property crisis gradually enveloped the world. We cast a backward glance at 2008
信贷 危机 成为口头禅,银行系统走到了悬崖边上,起源于美国的地产危机逐渐笼罩整个世界。让我们不妨回顾一下 2008 年的商业事件。
Angela Balakrishnan and Julia Kollewe
guardian.co.uk , Monday 22 December 2008 16.11 GMT
Article history
A is for Alistair Darling
The chancellor was thrust into the spotlight as the financial crisis escalated this year. In the summer, just before a se...