Daily Abstract 081222

王尔德(Oscar Wilde,1854-1900)我最喜欢的作家~ 小王子的作者^^ 他不仅是诗人、小说家,剧作家、批评家,而且是有史以来敢于承认自己是天才的天才之一。他在进纽约海关时对海关官员说:“除了天才之外,我没有什么可申报的。”(“I have nothing to declare except my genius.”) 摘几句语录:

I can resist everything except temptation. 我可以抗拒一切,诱惑除外
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. 摆脱诱惑的唯一方法是屈服于它。
I have made an important discovery…that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, produces all the effects of intoxication. 我有一个重大发现——如果摄入足量酒精,就会产生各种陶醉的效果。
love acting. It is so much more real than life. 我喜欢演戏。与人生相比,演戏更真实。
Ignorance is like a delicate flower: touch it and the bloom is gone. 无知就像是一朵精致的花朵:摸一下,它就消失了。
A poet can survive everything but a misprint. 一个诗人什么都可以容忍,印刷错误除外。
It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue. 争论者损失的只是智力。
Time is a waste of money. 时间是一种对金钱的浪费。
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 爱自己就是开始一场延续一生的罗曼史。
Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much. 永远要宽恕你的敌人。没有什么比这更能让他们心烦的了。

America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. 美国是唯一一个直接从野蛮进入颓废、中间没有经过文明阶段的社会。
I like talking to a brick wall, it's the only thing in the world that never contradicts me. 我喜欢对一堵墙说话,世界上只有它不会反驳我。

NELSON MANDELA- civil rights leader; prisoner for 27 years for his antiapartheid work; cowinner, 1993 Nobel Peace Prize; elected South Africa's first freely chosen president (1994-1999)
尼尔森.曼德拉(Nelson Mandela):人权运动领袖;因从事反种族隔离运动而遭27年监禁;1993年诺贝尔和平奖得主;1994-1999年间当选为南非第一任自由选举而出的总统。

"Wounds that can't be seen are more painful than those that can be seen and cured by a doctor. I learned that to humiliate another person is to make him suffer an unnecessarily cruel fate. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. I felt fear myself more times than I can remember, but I hid it behind a mask of boldness. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers fear.
Where people of goodwill get together and transcend their differences for the common good, peaceful and just solutions can be found, even for those problems that seem most intractable."——Nelson Mandela
“看不见的创伤远比看得见的能被医治的创伤更加令人痛苦。我学习到,要羞辱一个人就让他承受原本不应他承担的残酷命运。我学习到,勇敢并非心中没有恐惧,而是战胜了恐惧。我已经记不清有多少次心中暗藏恐惧,但我将恐惧藏在勇敢的面具之下。勇敢的人并非感觉不到害怕,而是他战胜了恐惧。 哪儿有心怀美好愿望、为了共同的美好未来、超越差异而聚集起来的人们,哪儿就有和平、公正的解决争端的办法,即使面对的是最棘手的问题。”——尼尔森.曼德拉

LELLA and MASSIMO VIGNELLI - interior and graphic design team, married 50 years; creators, New York City subway signage; contributors, Grand Central Terminal restoration; winners, more than 130 awards

莱拉.维格尼利(Lella Vignelli)和玛西莫.维格尼利(Massimo Vignelli):内部平面设计组合,结婚至今已有50年;创意制作者,纽约地铁签名即为其作品;终端程序修复中心;曾获130多枚奖章

LV: "People ask us, 'Aren't you retiring?' But we really like what we do."

MV: "You need to have passion. The greatest thing I've learned in my life is that there is room for everybody. That's the great thing about art and design and communication. There's room for all."

LV: "Aspiring designers should know about the good things that happened before. Have a little history. Go back and see what was done before."

MV: "Learn from the past if you want what matters in the present. Knowledge is the most important thing. To young people, we say, Fill your brain with as much information as you can. Look at everything, know everything, develop a critical mind. History, theory, and criticism are the three fundamental elements to grow in a professional life. History will provide you with the tools for understanding. Theory will be the philosophy of why you're doing it. And criticism will provide you with the ability to continually master what you are doing. Play with these tools and you can do pretty good things."





CLINT EASTWOOD - actor, more than 50 films; director, 29 films, including Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby; winner, 4 Academy Awards

克林特.伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood):演员,完成50多部作品;导演,执导29部电影,包括《无可宽恕》和《百万宝贝》;4次奥斯卡奖得主

"Great stories teach you something. That's one reason I haven't slipped into some sort of retirement: I always feel like I'm learning something new.
There was a time in my life when I was doing westerns, on the plains of Spain. I could have stayed there and probably knocked out a dozen more. But the time came when I said, That's enough of that. As fun as they were to do, it was time to move on. If a story doesn't have anything that's fresh in it, at least for me, I move away from it.
Take your profession seriously; don't take yourself seriously. You really only matter to a certain degree in the whole circus out there. If you take yourself seriously, you're not going to be able to move forward. You're going to be hampered by always wanting to look in the mirror and see if you have enough tuna oil on your hair or something like that." ——Clint Eastwood

“伟大的故事能教给你许多东西。这就是我不退休的原因:我一直都能学到新东西。 曾有一段时间我在西班牙过纯粹的西方人的生活。我原本可以继续呆在那里,并能创造比现在还要多的成绩。但我还是说:够了。后来事实证明,我是对的。如果一个故事已经没有新的内容,对我来说,就应该离开它。 认真对待你的职业;不要把自己看的过于重要。你只是剧团里的一员,你在剧团里的影响力很有限,如果过分的执着于自己,你就没法进步;你会总想照照镜子,看头发乱了没有;这些低级举动会妨碍你的进步。”——克林特.伊斯特伍德

DESMOND TUTU - cleric; antiapartheid activist; winner, 1984 Nobel Peace Prize; winner, 2005 Gandhi Peace Prize

德斯蒙德.图图(Desmond TUTU):牧师;反种族隔离主义者;获1984年诺贝尔和平奖,2005年甘地和平奖章

"Each one of us can make a contribution. Too frequently we think we have to do spectacular things. Yet if we remember that the sea is actually made up of drops of water and each drop counts, each one of us can do our little bit where we are. Those little bits can come together and almost overwhelm the world. Each one of us can be an oasis of peace." ——DESMOND TUTU


The world is changing fast in the information age. It\'s no doubt we need to improve our intelligence in this age, and more importantly, the spirit and soul. We improve the former in learning and thinking, while the latter in the process of meditation. As information is penetrating into every corner of our lives, it\'s urgenter for us to listen to our hearts than at anytime of history.


  1. 你确定你看过小王子吗?作者不应该是一个法国人,安东尼·德·圣埃克苏佩里吗?

  2. 确定~你说的是法国的被狐狸暗恋的小王子




Candle flare

