Power out one night at home in Beijing. 突然 停电了 没有电流 没有光源 没有声音 只剩 这世界 最纯净的2种颜色- 黑、白 suddenly, power out, no electricity, no light, no voice, only the purest color in world—— black & white 我禁不住有点小兴奋 在宜家买哒小圆蜡烛终于能派上用场啦,咔咔 点燃蜡烛 趴在桌上看烛光摇曳 偎进这团温黄的光里 心儿渐渐被暖哒恬淡而宁静 I'm a little excited, find out my cylindrical candle bought at IKEA, lit it up. The candle flames waver, and warm my heart, Everything became tranquilized and reposed:-) 我坐在这里 柔和的烛光簇拥着我的脸 我就要睡着 编织一个朦胧的梦 I'm sit down here, Everything around me shimmer and glimmer softly, I wanna fall asleep, have a candle-beams dream.
回复删除Wow ~
回复删除totally awesome & fascinating...
it gives me some sort of artistic sense.